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DRASH J Series

The J series is the largest expandable tent the modern military has to offer and takes a trained crew about 45 minutes to setup/take-down. This tent system relies on rare and hard to find equipment in order to properly set it up and take it down, doing so without it can result in damaging the tent and injury to personnel. This tent was designed to serve as a command center, vehicle maintenance tent, or aircraft hangar depending on which endcap configuration you use. It was intended to be inter-connected to smaller tents or to other J series but can also be a stand-alone tent. This series is much more flexible in its ability to configurate compared to the XB and S series. Each tent comes with three parts, a mid-section and two endcaps which you can either connect as usual and have a standard tent, or you may connect multiple mid-sections to make longer tents. You may also leave the endcaps off and have it open-ended for roles such as drive through testing sites. The exterior canvas skin as well as a secondary layer of white interior canvas skin called a liner is built into the frame, giving the tent a “one-piece” design, the liner’s purpose is to provide additional insulation. Electrical, plenum for air distribution, and a soft green floor can also be installed if necessary. The frame consists of advanced Titanite poles which are a fiberglass composite mix, making them very durable, light weight, and flexible.

DRASH J Series: Text
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series
DRASH J Series: Gallery
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